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維他命E具有超強的抗氧化力,大量含於蛋黃、酪梨、鰻魚、黃麻(Corchorus Olitorus)、菠菜、杏仁和胡桃等堅果類,及以向日葵等種子為原料的植物油中。


維他命E-Vitamin E

  • In the application of skin cells. The human body needs oxigen to burn into heat. Free radicals are generated during the process.It is the main culprit in destroying cell membranes.It is easy to cause cell aging and other diseases. VitaminEwith high antioxidant capacity. Can eliminatefree radicals.Can reduce damage molecules.Contribute in anti-aging.The high antioxidant capacity from Vitamin E are contained in egg yolkavocadoeelCorchorus Olitorusspinachalmond

    walnut and other nuts. The Vitamin E in vegetable oil made from sunflower seeds is fat-soluble substance. With anti-oxidation effect to protect cells from free radical damage. It is said to promote skin blood circulation and keep smooth skin effect.

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